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Labor Day

In Mexico there are a number of programs to help the population enter or reenter the remunerated work force, among them is the Employment Stimulation Program, which consists of five strategies headed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS), which services various sectors of the population such as: farm laborers, Mexicans repatriated from the United States, Mexico-Canada temporary farm laborers, and unemployed people who require training to facilitate their access to the labor market.


The external evaluation performed in 2006 on the Employment Stimulation Program and to the group of strategies it consists of reports strengths and challenges that could solve the gap in this matter.


Employment Stimulation Program Formal Employment Strategy

It broadens the range of support instruments for beneficiaries, allows access to various employment search options: employment bureaus, labor intermediation centers, workshop organization, specialized websites, Chambanet, Chambatel, chamber and union information. The changes made to the 2006 operation regulations allowed a more equitable distribution of resources.


However, among the challenges faced by the strategy is achieving a greater control in obtained employments, especially in the obtainment of a written contract by the laborer, as well as improving office operativity to provide precise information on the periods for the assignment of resources among beneficiaries.


Employment Stimulation Program Farm Laborer Strategy

The 2006 external evaluation reports, among this strategy’s strengths, the achievement of the coverage of a greater number of beneficiaries, including the indigenous population.


Among the challenges faced by this strategy are: have greater control in the performance by states to prevent inequality by regions: consider a better resource distribution and facilitate access to the information of beneficiaries.


Workers participating in the strategy obtain higher income than non-participants. Likewise, the incorporation of health centers in the Canadian Embassy certification system in different states shortened the paperwork process, according to what is documented by the 2006 external evaluation.

On the other hand, the external evaluation reports a better and broader coordination needs to be established between the different institutions participating in the strategy The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), especially Mexican Consulates in Canada, should maintain constant communication with the General Employment Commission (CGE), and even National Employment Systems (SNE). Likewise, the elimination of the migratory passport formerly processed at the STPS central offices increased the expenses of the beneficiary population.


Employment Stimulation Program Repatriated Working Laborers Strategy

According to the 2006 external evaluation, the degree of beneficiary job placement has increased. National Employment Systems (SNE) participating in the strategy’s execution perform a crucial linking effort between beneficiaries and border city companies.

However, challenges are still to be overcome, such as broadening the service capability to the National Employment Systems (SNE) target population, especially when faced by the magnitude of the problem and the lack of other government support. Currently, the strategy only operates in those cities where the SNE Operative Unit previously existed; therefore the installation of a service module at each repatriated entry site is required.


Employment Stimulation Program Bécate Strategy

The 2006 external evaluation states that individuals supported by Bécate are more likely to get a job. The impact on beneficiary income was positive. There was a good perception on the training provided to them. 


According to the 2006 external evaluation, among the challenges faced by this strategy is making the scholarship payment and transportation support more punctual, and verifying the records to prevent "duplication" of a same person in the program’s beneficiary system.



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