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Children’s day  

In our country, there are 1.02 million Mexicans between the age of 6 and 14 that do not attend school, that is, 5.29 percent of the total population The CONEVAL 2005 Social Gap Index reports that the states with a greater gap under this item are: Chiapas (9.65 percent), Michoacán (7.74 percent), and Guerrero (7.09 percent).


While the Mexican states with a lower social gap degree on this indicator are: Distrito Federal (Capital City) (2.71 percent), Nuevo León (3.30 percent) and Sonora (3.32 percent).



The Social Gap Index developed by the CONEVAL incorporates indicators that enable a multidimensional poverty measurement. These indicators are: education, access to health services, basic services, home quality and spaces, and home assets. With this, it intends to contribute to the generation of information for better decision making in matters of social policy, facilitating the location of priority attention areas, as is set forth by the General Law of Social Development.


We recommend you see the total population, income poverty, index and social gap degree Table, per state and municipality:



The Mexican Government has under its responsibility programs and actions that have as an objective contributing to improve the quality of life of girls and boys, among them are:


The Program for the Care of Children and Adolescents (PAIA), led by the Ministry of Health, aims to contribute to the integral development of children and adolescents that are in risk of vulnerability, integrally tending to this population’s needs. It contributes to the prevention, care, protection and funding of investigation, to strengthen the actions and programs that support the aid and improvement to this population’s quality of life. Likewise, it strengthens, at long or middle term, the development of these actions making sure the activities relative to their attention are effective in its two aspects: care and prevention.


The Compensatory Actions Program Against Initial and Basic Education Gap, led by the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), grants aid for the improvement of the quality of non-schooling and basic education (preschool, primary and secondary in its telesecundaria modality), through compensatory actions such as the improvement of educational and administrative infrastructure; educational material resources, training and advise to mothers, parents and teachers; economic support to Parents Association, teachers and directives, and institutional strengthening.


It is targeted to all children with educational gap, that is, that school-age children who have not finished their basic education due to desertion and flunking problems.


The 2006 external evaluation of the mentioned programs reports that they both accomplished linking their target population and increased the training activities necessary for professionalization.


However, they still face major challenges to solve the existing gaps, for example: the Program for the Care of Children and Adolescents (PAIA) needs to improve the planning and execution of detailed actions to tend to and prevent each of their assigned social programs, for the program beneficiaries are only measured through the beneficiaries’ perception.


Likewise, among the challenges faced by the Compensatory Actions Program Against Initial and Basic Education Gap, we find: the creation of a “teaching auxiliary” material distribution strategy so they reach their users before the school year begins; a greater link between institutions, programs, directors, teachers, students and communities, and the design of strategies to gain and retain young instructors.



Documents of interest